
Knowledge Base

How To Add Your Logo in Website Builder

The placement of your Logo will depend on the Website Builder template you choose. You can add your own Logo for your website by customising the template's preset Logo and adding your own Logo image or adding a Logo text.

To customise the Logo in Website Builder, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click Sign Up / Log In at the top of this page.
  2. Select Account Manager from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter your username and password then, click Log In.
  4. Click the Visit My Account button.
  5. Click Website Builder from the menu at the top of the page.
  6. Click on the Website Builder plan that you wish to manage.
    If you only have one Website Builder plan, you will automatically be redirected to its management page.
  7. Hover your mouse pointer over the [+] Icon at the upper right-hand section of the page and click Build Now.
  8. On the Sites page of your Website Builder Dashboard, hover your mouse pointer over the project/website that you would like to customise and click EDIT.
  9. Hover your mouse pointer over the Logo and click the Edit link that appears on its upper-right corner.
  10. On the pop-up box that appears, choose between Image or Text then follow the respective steps below to customise it:

    Customising an Image Logo:
    1. Click on the Upload box.
    2. Add the Logo you would like to appear on your actual website using any of the following methods:
      Upload to Website Builder If the Logo is in your computer, drag and drop it into the pop-up window or click browse to manually look for the Logo from your list of folders and upload it to Website Builder.
      Access Website Builder My Photos If the Logo was previously uploaded in Website Builder, click the My Photos tab from the pop-up window and select the Logo.
      Access the Cloud If the Logo is in another online account, click the Clouds tab from the pop-up window, connect to your online account, then navigate and select the Logo.
      Use Free Photos If you want to use a free photo from Website Builder as your temporary Logo, click the Free Photos tab from the pop-up window, then navigate through the categories and select the picture.
    3. After image has been uploaded, select it and click the Select button at the lower-right corner of the pop-up window.
    4. Click the [1:1] icon from the top-left corner of the Logo, or the Resize icon beside it to customise:
      [1:1] icon Click to automatically fit the original dimensions of the image to the available space.
      Resize icon Click this to display a resizing bar at the bottom. Use the bar to zoom in and out of the image, click and drag the image to move it around and select which part of it you would like to use.
    5. Click the Check icon at the top-right corner to save.

    Note: If you need to go back and customise the image again, hover your mouse pointer over the Logo and click the Edit link that appears. Under Image, click Crop.

    Customising a Text Logo:
    1. Enter the desired Logo text under Name.
    2. Click and drag the pointer under Font Size to adjust.
    3. Scroll down and select the Font type, Style, and Format you would like to use from the respective drop-down lists.
  11. Enable On Click Link to Homepage if you want to link your Logo to your Home page.

Congratulations! You have just learned how to customise a Logo in Website Builder.


  • Resize the Block
    A Block is a section of your website containing several Features. You can resize the Block where your Logo is located, to increase or decrease the size of your Logo. Simply hover your mouse pointer over the Block and click on the Resizing Tool that appears at the bottom, then drag up and down to adjust and release the tool when done.
  • Change the Block's Layout
    You can manually change the placement of your Logo by editing the Block's Layout. Simply hover your mouse pointer over the Block where your Logo is located and click the Layout icon that appears on its upper-right side. On the pop-up box that appears, drag the bar that says Logo to change its placement.
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