
Knowledge Base

How To Open Calendar on Outlook

If you’re using Email Exchange as your business communication tool, you and your employees can access your own personal Calendar, as well as create additional Calendars and Share Calendars for easy collaboration. Learn more about what you can do with Exchange Calendars by clicking on this linked guide.

For this guide to work for you, please ensure that you have an Email Exchange user mailbox. You can open your Calendar or a Calendar that’s been shared with you via Outlook Desktop or via Outlook Web Access.


How To Open Your Calendar

If you’ve set up your mailbox on Outlook Desktop, click on the Calendar icon at the bottom-left section of the application to access it.

Screenshot of CD Email Exchange Calendar Page

If you’re using Outlook on your browser (OWA), click on the 9-Square Icon at the top menu and select Calendar.

Screenshot of CD Email Exchange Calendar Icon in OWA

NOTE: If you’re using Calendar via Outlook Web Access (OWA), the features will be limited.


How To Open a Shared Calendar

Follow these steps to manually access a Calendar that’s been shared with you:

If via Outlook Desktop

  1. Open Outlook on your desktop.
  2. Click on the Calendar icon at the bottom-left of the application.
  3. Click Open Calendar from the ribbon at the top and select Open Shared Calendar.
  4. In the Open a Shared Calendar pop-up box that appears, you can do any of the following and click OK:

    Screenshot of CD Email Exchange Open Shared Calendar Option

    • Enter the complete name of the person who shared the Calendar with you,
    • Enter their complete email address if you forgot their name, or
    • Click the Name button to search for the user.

    An error box will appear if you’re trying to access a Calendar that has not yet been shared with you. Simply click Yes to request access, then wait for the confirmation email that says you can now view the Calendar.


The Shared Calendar will now appear beside your own Calendar.

Screenshot of CD Email Exchange Open Shared Calendar Option


If via Outlook Web Access

  1. Log in to Outlook in your browser.
  2. Click on the 9-Square Icon at the top menu and select Calendar.
  3. Right-click on Your Calendars from the left-side menu and select Open Calendar.

    Screenshot of CD Email Exchange Open Shared Calendar Option in OWA
  4. A pop-up box will appear. In the From directory field, enter the complete name or email address of the user who shared the Calendar with you.
  5. Click Search Directory to ensure that the user exists, then click Open.

    The Shared Calendar will be added on the left-side menu.

    Screenshot of CD Email Exchange Shared Calendar Side Panel

    Please let us know if you need further assistance or if you have any questions. We’d love to help!
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