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How To Select Files/Folders To Back Up in Cloud

Once you have your Cloud Backup account set up, you can start uploading backups of your computers and/or devices into the Cloud. For physical machines, such as your desktop computer, you can also choose to back up specific files and folders, instead of the entire machine.

There are two ways you can choose the specific files and folders you want to back up:

Directly Directly locate the relevant files or folders in your computer that you want to back up
Using policy rules Set rules which files and folders to back up. The rules can be predefined or created, or a combination of both.

For specific instructions on how to use either options above, read the guides below.


How To Select Files/Folders To Back Up in Cloud

To know how to select specific files and folders to back up, just access the Cloud Backup console and then follow specific instructions for each method below.

If you want to know how to access the Cloud Backup, click the guide below:


Direct Selection

To choose files and folders using direct selection, follow the guide below:

  1. Click Device on the left menu bar, which will open the list of all computers and devices connected to the Cloud Backup.
  2. Select the computer/device you want to back up, then click Backup on the right menu, then click Add Backup Plan.
    If you don’t have a Backup Plan yet, you will be directed to a New Backup Plan template.
  3. In the What to back up field, select Files/folders. Click the Items to back up field to open the Specify files and folders tab.
  4. In Select items to backup, choose Directly.
  5. Choose the relevant computers and devices included in the backup plan. Then, click the Select files and folders beside each.
  6. Next, click Local folder or Network Folder.

    NOTE: Make sure that shared files and folders you chose are accessible from the computer or device you selected. If prompted type in the username and password for shared folders.

  7. Locate and select the relevant files and folders you want to back up. Click Done to confirm the selection.
  8. Click OK to add the path of your selected files and folders.

Using Policy Rules

To choose files and folders Using policy rules, follow the guide below:

  1. Click Device on the left menu bar, which will open the list of all computers and devices connected to the Cloud Backup.
  2. Select the computer/device you want to back up, then click Backup on the right menu, then click Add Backup Plan.
    If you don’t have a Backup Plan yet, you will be directed to a New Backup Plan template.
  3. In the What to back up field, select Files/folders. Click the Items to back up field to open the Specify files and folders tab.
  4. In Select items to backup, click the [ ν ] arrow symbol and choose Using policy rules.
  5. Next, type in the rule you want to implement or click the [ ν ] arrow symbol to choose among the predefined rules in the list. You can add as many rules as you want.

    NOTE: The policy rules set here will apply to all computers and devices that in the backup plan.

    Also, if no file or folder meets at least one of the rules you have set, the system will not be able to create any backups.

Selection Rules

Below are the types of selection rules you can set for Windows, Linux, and Mac computers.


For Windows

Full path to files or folders This is the location of files or folders in your local file system.

e.g. C:\\Users\Yourname\Desktop\Folder
  • [All Files] – selects all files in the computer
  • [All Profiles Folder] – selects the folder where all user profiles are located, usually in C:\Users; C:\Documents and Settings
Environment Variables
  • %ALLUSERS PROFILE% - selects the folder where the common data of all user profiles can be found
  • %PROGRAMFILES% - selects the Program Files folder
  • %WINDIR% - selects the folder where the Windows folder is located

For Linux

Full path to a file or directory This is the location of files or folders in your local file system.

e.g. /home/usr/doc/file.txt
  • /home – selects the home directory of common users
  • /root – selects the root user’s home directory
  • /usr – selects the directory for all user-related programs
  • /etc – selects the directory for system configuration files
  • [All Profiles Folder] – this selects /home, where all user profiles are located by default

For OS X

Full path to a file or directory This is the location of files or folders in your local file system.

e.g. /Users/yourusername/Desktop/file.txt
  • [All Profiles Folder] – selects /Users, the default folder for all user profiles

IMPORTANT: Backing up files and folders will be insufficient for an operating system recovery. This will only enable you to recover the specific files and folders you backed up.

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