Knowledge Base
Install Apache Web Server Under Debian or Ubuntu
You can install Apache/Httpd under Debian/Ubuntu by doing the following:
- Open your VPS console from the Power Management control panel.
- Log In to your VPS by entering your username and password.
- To install Apache/Httpd under Debian/Ubuntu use the following command:
# apt-get install apache2
- To start Apache/Httpd under Debian/Ubuntu use the following commands:
# /etc/init.d/apache2 start
- httpd service runs at port 80 by default. You can check if port 80 is open by using the following command:
# netstat -tulpn | grep :80
Congratulations, you have installed Apache/Httpd under Debian/Ubuntu.
Uploading website files
The default directory for Debian/Ubuntu versions is: /var/www
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