What Happens If I Don't Renew My Domain
Auto Renewal is a recommended feature available for all our Domains, Hosting, and other Products/Services, which helps to avoid losing Domain Ownership (or risk it falling into Redemption) and the suspension of its connected Services.
If all the Auto Renewal attempts fail and you do not Manually Renew your Domain Name before its expiration date, the Domain Name will go into the Renewal Grace Period — which lasts for 30 days.
After going through the initial Grace Period:
For gTLD Domain Names, they will automatically go into a status called the Redemption Period.
For ccTLD Domain Names, the Registry will place them directly under the Pending Delete status.
Any Domain Name that has been in the Pending Delete status for more than (5) five calendar days will be deleted by the Registry, making them available for anyone to register.
For more details on Domain Name Status Codes click here. To check the true status of the Domain Name, use the WhoIs tool.
We strongly suggest renewing your Domain Name for the longest term, or setting up the Auto Renewal option for security and ownership purposes.