
Knowledge Base

What Is An Exchange Task

Exchange Task is one of the many features you can access once you have set up an account with Email Exchange. Exchange Task allows you to organise and keep track of your tasks or team members and other department tasks within your Organisation in one place.

If you want to know more about other features in Email Exchange, please visit the guides below:


Where Do I find My Task

Once you’ve setup your Exchange Mailbox on Outlook desktop, click on the Task Icon at the bottom-left section of the application to access it.

Screenshot of CD Email Exchange Outlook Task View

If you’re using Outlook on your browser, click on the 9-Square Icon at the top menu and select Tasks.

Screenshot of CD Email Exchange OWA Task Icon in Settings


What Can I Do with Exchange Task

Here are the things you can do with Exchange Task:

  • Create Tasks
    Create tasks for your business or personal reminders such as meetings, to-do lists, birthdays, or for a project.
  • Assign Task
    Collaborate with teams and other departments within your organisation by assigning a task and keeping track of its progress.
  • Send Status Report
    Share and Send a Status report to users within your network to follow up on a specific task or use data for data analysis.
  • Set Recurring Tasks and Events
    Receive and send out reminders for recurring activities without having to set them every time.

Learn more on how to create tasks in Outlook in this linked guide. Please let us know if you need further assistance or if you have any questions. We’d love to help!

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