
Knowledge Base

How To Uninstall One-Click Apps in Plesk

When running your website on Windows Hosting, you will have Plesk as your mode of control panel. Plesk allows you to manage the settings of your site and even install free applications using One-Click Application. However, if you want to remove this feature you can do so by following this guide.

You can easily uninstall any of your installed free applications through your Plesk panel. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Access your Hosting Manager.
  2. Click Applications from the left-side menu.
  3. If you're not automatically taken to the Applications management page, click the Manage My Applications link. Otherwise, skip this step.
  4. Click the Remove link corresponding to the relevant Application that you would like to uninstall.
    Or, to make sure you do not remove the wrong application, click the Name of the relevant Application that you would like to uninstall first, then click the Remove button.
  5. A pop-up window will appear. Click Yes to continue with the process.

    IMPORTANT: The uninstall process will delete all files and databases associated with the installed software. It cannot be reversed.

Your application may take a minute to uninstall.

You just uninstalled a One-Click Application in Plesk. If you have any questions, or if you need assistance in uninstalling your One-Click apps in Plesk, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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