My Email Exchange Account Is Locked
Forgetting your password and multiple entries of an incorrect password will lock you out of your Email Exchange account. This can be frustrating as it can affect your business's productivity. If this happens to you, don’t worry. You can easily unlock your Email Exchange account via your Exchange Manager.
NOTE: If you don’t have Admin Access to the Exchange Manager, please contact your organisation’s Administrator to unlock your Exchange Account for you.
Unlock Your Email Exchange Account
Follow the steps below to unlock your Email Exchange account:
- Log in to your Exchange Manager.
- Under Hosted Organisation, click on Users (Users Organisation).
- Click on the Display Name that you wish to manage.
- Below the Confirm Password section, Deselect the Account is locked out option.
- Scroll down and click on the Save Changes button. Or, click Save Changes and Exit to go back to the Mailboxes page.
TIP: You can select the User must change password at next logon option so the user can set their own, secure password. If you’re the user, you can simply set a new password here before saving the changes.
Your Email Exchange account will now be unlocked. If you don’t know where to find your Exchange Manager password or how to reset your Exchange Manager password, click on these guides.
Please let us know if you need further assistance or if you have any questions. We’d love to help!