Businesses that have a unique product, provide efficient customer service, and launch great online marketing campaigns tend to be one the most successful. But where does a logo fit into these? Is it necessary to design and have a good professional business logo? 

The short answer – YES! The long answer – read on to find out! 

What Makes a Good Logo?  

A logo generally contains a brand’s name and signifies its purpose and objective.   

And if you want customers to remember you, you need to create a logo that instantly captures attention. In fact, around 75% of people recognize a brand from its logo. 

Take the top brands like McDonald’s, Apple, and Mercedes for example. Even without their name on the logo, people still know who they are and what they offer.  

Moreover, they even recognize these logos if you only show them half the picture. That’s how impactful their logos are.   

Benefits of Having a Professional Business Logo  


Delivers a good first impression  

Know why creating a great logo is important for customer perception
A survey found that 30% of customers notice a brand’s logo first before anything else. And in any business, customer perception is vital.  

Hence, it’s critical to have a professional logo to get an excellent first impression. And don’t forget, first impressions last!  

Enhances online marketing and branding  

Learn how a logo affects your marketing and branding

 The same research also showed that 3 out of 5 people would not do business with a company if their logo looked terrible. That’s 60% of potential sales that do not take place. 

Getting a good logo for your business improves brand recognition, leads, and even your local SEO. Customers are likely to rave about it with others as well. And with positive word of mouth, don’t be surprised to see your customer base grow.   

Stand out 

 “There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.” 

-Milton Glaser, American graphic designer 

A professional logo that has a wow factor helps your business stand out. This enhances brand recognition and gives you an edge over your competitors.   

Professional and creative outlook  

Understand how a logo shows your professional and creative persona

A professional and creative logo portrays the same outlook to all customers. Both features send their own message.   

  • Professional – lets customers know that you are serious about your business. 
  • Creative – lets customers know that you have taken an extra step in designing your logo. 

Sometimes, simple logos can also be effective.  

Take Nike, Apple, or Target, for example. All have simple logos that are effective in delivering the message. Overcrowding the logo with too much text or images can hurt your business.   

Generates brand trust  

Why a logo builds customer trust

31% of the consumers feel that trust is one of the most important attributes of any brand. A logo can help establish and develop that. Once you build trust, customers will prefer to do business with you always.   

The colours involved in designing the logo also play a vital role in creating this trust. Make sure that you choose the right colours in your logo, as colour improves brand recognition by 80%.  Ensure that you use soft and friendly colours that are soothing to the eye.   

What Can You Do?  

Logo Design  

Having a professional business logo helps you reap all the benefits mentioned above. Most of the time, companies leave it to graphic experts to design the logo.  

However, you can design your professional business logo in minutes using thousands of premium designs. You can even add your company tagline and change the fonts and colours.  

Web Design  

Apart from having a crazy good logo, websites also help market your business online. It’s a great platform to display your products and connect with your customers. 

And if you need help in designing your website, there are tons of brands that can give you a team of professional designers. After all, people tend to stay longer on high-performing and aesthetic websites. 

READ: 5 Reasons Attractive Web Design Matters for Your Small Business

Create a logo that wins the heart of customers 

With thousands of businesses working in similar sectors, it is easy for SMEs to get lost in the crowd. But if you have a logo that’s recognisable, meaningful, and stands out, customers will remember you. 

Get in touch with graphic design professionals to get started on your website and logo!  

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